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Gargoyle Redemption (The Gargoyle Redemption Trilogy) Read online

Page 21

  I took a deep breath and yelled. “I’m here Kaitlin!” My voice echoed off the metal sheets of the building and was gone.

  A moment later, I heard footsteps emerge from the darkness in front of me. “You're all alone Tuffara.” Kaitlin said. Holding a gun out in front of her, she pointed the barrel at me. “I’m surprised you found us.”

  “Yeah,” I said, trying to hold my composure as she used her finger to beckon me towards her. I held my hands up in the air, letting her know I was unarmed as I walked to her. “I’m exchanging myself for the release of the clan just as you asked for.” I said to her.

  Kaitlin smirked at me. “I’m surprised you actually obliged to our wishes, Tuffara.”

  “Hey, I’m an honest person.” I said to Kaitlin as she shoved me towards the black car was waiting for us.

  “And honesty makes you a fool, doesn’t it?” Kaitlin said, laughing at me. She shoved me into the backseat and sat down beside me. She closed the door and looked at the driver. “Drive.” She ordered him and he pulled off onto the main road. “If I knew it would be this easy to capture you, we would’ve done it sooner.” Kaitlin said to me.

  “I’m just keeping my end of the bargain here.” I said to Kaitlin. “I still can’t believe you betrayed us Kaitlin.”

  Kaitlin scoffed at me. “Betrayed you?” she said in a mocking voice. “I was never on your side to begin with Tuffara.”

  I shook my head at her sadly. “You know Drake loved you, right?” I said to Kaitlin.

  Kaitlin laughed at me. “I only used Drake to get to you, Tuffara.” she said smugly. “True love doesn’t exist in our world.”

  “That’s not true, Kaitlin.” I said to her. “True love exists if you are willing to find it.”

  “Save your words for somebody who cares.” Kaitlin replied to me. She looked down at my hand and saw my engagement ring. “Please tell me you aren’t thinking of marrying that half-breed?”

  “That half-breed is the love of my life.” I said to her. “But you wouldn’t understand what true love is, now, would you Kaitlin?”

  Kaitlin’s eyes grew large, and her mouth dropped open, and I could see the surprised look on her face as she stared back at me. She cleared her throat and looked out the window. “You don’t know anything about me Tuffara.” she said at last.

  “I know you like Drake and you didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  Kaitlin sighed but said nothing to me the rest of the ride. I thought about the plan of action as Kaitlin’s house loomed ahead of us.

  Here we go...

  The car came to a stop and Kaitlin opened the door. She stepped out and motioned for me to do the same, holding her gun pointed at me.

  “It’s a pleasure for you to grace us with your presence Miss. Meta.” Kaitlin’s father Zander said to me.

  “You know I can’t stand the sight of you, right?” I said with anger in my voice. “Especially not after you killed my mother.” I added.

  Zander smiled at me. “She kept you away from me for so long, Tuffara, and I needed you to know me on a personal level.”

  I gave him a strange look. “What are you talking about?” I asked him.

  “Your mother Bru was the true Demi-god, not your biological father Tuffara.” Zander said to me.

  “Come again?” I asked, him not understanding what he was trying to tell me.

  “Tuffara, your biological father... is me.” Zander replied. “Welcome home... my lovely daughter.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You’re, you’re!” I said, shaking my head at Zander in disbelief. “You can’t be my real father!”

  “But I am, Tuffara.” Zander said to me sincerely. “Your mother kept you away from me, lying to you your entire life about me.”

  “And you don’t think you being the leader of the gargoyle Hunters wouldn’t have anything to do with that?” I asked Zander, trying to keep my cool. “The same man who is trying to kill my fiancée?”

  Zander was surprised when I told him I was engaged to Abel Lapis. “You can’t possibly marry that... that evil creature of darkness?” Zander said, to me unable to keep the confusion out of his voice. “Everything I’ve done has been for you Tuffara.” he continued. “How can you betray your family by marrying—”

  “Enough!” I screamed, making him stop talking for a moment. “I wasn’t born as a Hunter!” I said, unable to hold my anger back any longer. “My mother raised me and brought me to Abel to keep me protected from you!” At that moment, Abel and the others came out of their hiding place and surrounded me.

  Zander growled angrily when he saw Abel take a stand in front of me. “Don’t you touch my daughter, you disgusting creature!” he hissed at him through his teeth.

  Abel pulled on his necklace and transformed it into a sword. “Tuffara is the daughter of the Slayer Bru.” Abel replied calmly. “She was never destined to be a gargoyle Hunter like you are, Zander!”

  At that moment, Kaitlin pointed her weapon at her father’s chest. “It’s over dad.” she said to him. “You lost.”

  “Kaitlin.” Zander said, looking confused at her. “You can’t be seriously, turning your back on your family, can you?”

  Kaitlin said nothing as Trunks and a large group of Slayers surrounded the Hunters, making them surrender. I watched as the Slayers placed handcuffs on all the Hunters and placed them into two large white SUV’s.

  Kaitlin looked sad as she watched her father being taken into custody by the Slayers. “You did the right thing Kaitlin.” Drake said, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

  “I know.” Kaitlin said, giving Drake a sad smile. “But our baby’s future was on the line.” Both Abel and I looked at each other strangely. “Y-you’re pregnant Kaitlin?” Abel asked her.

  Both Drake and Kaitlin smiled at us and he gave her a hug. “Surprise.” Kaitlin said. “We’ve known for a month, but my father would’ve killed Drake if he found out about our baby.”

  “Well,” Abel said, feeling embarrassed. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” Kaitlin said to him. “Drake thinks our baby is the chosen one.” she added. “I wish you both the best of luck.” Abel said to Drake as he extended his wrist to him.

  Drake shook it and nodded. “I’m taking Kaitlin back to the Drakonus to keep her safe from any harm.”

  We said our goodbyes and watched Drake transform into his white dragon form and fly off with Kaitlin in his arms.

  Abel and I were alone, and I leaned my head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. “It’s finally over.”

  Abel looked at me and shook his head. “Not quite yet.” he said to me. “Tomorrow, the Slayers put Zander on trial for the murder of both of our mothers.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Abel and I walked into the courthouse and found Trunks and Brooke waiting for us. “What’s up guys?” Abel asked them.

  “Zander Franchot agreed to a life sentence.” Trunks said with a scowl on his face. “That’s good, isn’t it?” I asked him.

  “It is if this was a human court.” Trunks replied, looking around nervously around. “What’s going to happen to Zander then?” Abel asked him.

  “Zander is going to be excommunicated and tortured along with the other Hunters.” Trunks said to us.

  “That doesn’t sound so bad after everything he’s done to us.” Abel said. “I just wish we could have gotten here a bit sooner to witness him getting put in his place.”

  Brooke and Trunks smiled at us. “The moment Zander and the Hunters came here last night, the Slayers judge had him. He kept him awake all night and just sentenced him right before you guys showed up.” Brooke said.

  “Glad I got to sleep instead of watching him—”

  Just then, Trunks looked a little unsteady and Brooke sat him down on the nearest bench. “Is Trunks okay?” I asked her.

  Brooke shook her head at me. “Trunks has been up all night without taking a hit of his cigarette to hide his Demi-god self from the humans.”
  Is it me... or does Brooke look concerned about Trunks well-being?...

  “Did you tell them the other good news yet, Trunks?” Brooke asked him.

  Trunks shook his head at her. “It seems the Slayers want me to come back.” he said to us. “That’s great news.” Abel said to him. “I’m glad they are bringing you back man.”

  Trunks looked hesitant before speaking again. “The Slayers already assigned me a new partner too.”

  “Who?” I asked him.

  “Brooke.” Trunks replied, hanging his head down.

  “I asked the Slayers for Trunks to be my new partner.” she replied with a smile. “I’ve already put in my two weeks’ notice with the police force.” Trunks added.

  Just then, the Slayers emerged from another room with Zander in handcuffs. He looked at me and I said nothing to him as he walked outside.

  Suddenly, there was gunfire, and we ran to see what was happening. It looked like Erasmus had taken out the Slayers holding Zander and flew off with him.

  “I forgot about that guy.” Abel growled under his breath. “As long as Zander is out there, he’s always going to be hunting us down... until we’re all destroyed.”

  I took Abel’s hand and squeezed it tightly. “Looks like we’re just going to have to kill Zander on our own.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  We waited until nightfall to look for Zander and Erasmus. Abel contacted Dylan to keep a look out for Zander down where he was as well.

  “Do you think they are still in town?” I asked Abel.

  “Oh yeah,” Abel replied. “Erasmus wouldn’t miss an opportunity to try to kill me again.”

  “I guess you’re right.” I said to him. “I just wish we didn’t have to wait for them near a cliff.” Abel chuckled. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Tuffara?” he asked me.

  “At home,” I replied dryly.

  I heard a noise in front of us and seen Erasmus coming at me trying to claw my face off. Abel pushed me away and I rolled to the right and into a pile of dirt. I looked up and saw Abel fighting with his brother for the last time.

  “Why do you persist on treating me like the enemy Tuffara?” Zander said as he walked towards me.

  “I dun know,” I said, standing to my feet. “Probably because you are the enemy!”

  “Now Tuffara,” Zander said, pulling out a knife. “I do wish you had sided with me or so I wouldn’t have to kill you like I did your mother.”

  “Don’t you ever talk about my mother!” I hissed at him.

  “I’ll talk about whatever I have to in order to kill you as you betrayed me, my lovely daughter.” Zander replied as he launched himself at me.

  I arched my back in time to dodge the blade of his knife and then I punched him in his jaw, catching him by surprise.

  “I see that half-breed has been teaching you how to fight.” Zander said, wiping blood from his face. “Impressive.”

  “That half-breed is your soon to be son-in-law.” I said, balling my hands into fists. “So, you’d better learn to respect him or stay out of our lives forever!”

  “I will kill him before I show that creature any respect!” Zander hissed through his teeth. He tripped me and I fell to the ground, landing on my back. “It’s over Tuffara.” he said, aiming his knife towards my heart. “Now you will die for the last time and never return to this world!”

  “Ugh!” I struggled to keep the knife away from my chest, but I was not strong enough. I am going to die! ...

  A shot rang out and suddenly Zander had a look of shock across his face as I saw him reaching for his chest as he fell backwards. I quickly climbed to my feet and saw Trunks lowering his weapon.

  “Y-you shot me?” Zander said to him.

  “Well, you were trying to kill the queen of the gargoyles.” Trunks replied, taking a drag from his newly lit cigarette. “It was either her or you, so...” Trunks let his words hand in the air as we watched Zander bleed out from his wound.

  “The Hunters... will... prevail...” Zander said, taking his final breath. A moment later, his chest stopped moving and he lay dead in the dirt.

  “I’ll call in the cleanup crew once Erasmus is dead.” Trunks said to me as we watched Abel continue to the fight with his brother.

  Erasmus kept using his sharp claws to attack Abel, but Abel was not going down this time. I watched as Abel pulled out Erasmus’s Alarica jewel and crushed it in his hand. Erasmus screamed in pain as he fell to his knees.

  “You’ve defeated me... brother.” Erasmus said as he fell onto his side and died. Abel shoved his sword into his neck, and it transformed back into a necklace.

  “Now... it’s finally over.” Abel said to us, breathing heavily.

  “Kaitlin gave me Erasmus’s Alarica jewel before she left with Drake.” Abel said to me. “Breaking it was the fastest way to kill Erasmus for good.”

  I looked at Trunks. “Time to call in the cleanup crew.” I said and Trunks smiled as he pulled out his phone to call the Slayers.

  “Abel,” I said, allowing him to pick me up. “Let’s go home.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Abel replied as he leapt into the air and headed in the direction of his house.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I awoke early the next morning and looked at Abel. He was fast asleep next to me. I smiled as I watched him sleeping. For the first time in his entire existence, he could finally rest knowing that no one would be after him or his clan ever again. I climbed out of bed and quietly snuck downstairs. I went into the living room and turned on the T.V. I sat on the couch and saw a news reporter asking Trunks a million questions about how he had killed the infamous Zander Franchot.

  “To be honest,” Trunks started his speech. “I had to rescue an innocent victim from Mr. Franchot. I just did what any officer of the force would do to protect this city.”

  I smiled and knew the humans had no idea how lucky they were to have had Trunks, a Demi-god, as a police officer. Or former police officer, as his time was coming to an end with them.

  I heard Abel coming down the stairs and I turned around to look at him.

  “Morning gorgeous,” he said as he kissed me on the cheek. “What do you want to do today?”

  I smiled at him as he sat down beside me on the couch. “Start planning our wedding.” I said happily.

  “That sounds like a great idea.” Abel said to me. “Before I forget,” he added. “The reason why Brooke wasn’t there last night is because I had her sneak into Geffen Records last night and burn your contract.”

  “Seriously?” I asked him.

  “You’ll never have to sing for them ever again.” Abel said, hugging me tightly.

  “I hated being a pop star anyway.” I said to him. “Now, let’s start planning our wedding.”


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  Connecting independent readers to independent writers.

  Did you love Gargoyle Redemption? Then you should read Crimson Savior by Bria Lexor!

  Zyra Falls must become a Hunter. Will Queen Velika take her revenge out on her?

  Read more at Bria Lexor’s site.

  Also by Bria Lexor

  Onizuca Series

  Return To Outer Earth

  Shaman Academy Saga

  Spellbinder of Time

  The Gargoyle Redemption Trilogy

  Gargoyle Redemption

  Vampiracy: Hell's Guardian Chronicles

  Crimson Savior

  The Force of Vengeance

  The Final Glory

  Vampire Candidate

  Watch for more at Bria Lexor’s site.

  About the Author

  Bria Lexor is the author of popular Paranormal Romance books. She lives in Colorado and works
on her books full-time.

  Read more at Bria Lexor’s site.